Conjuring Coltrane


Conjuring Coltrane. Duke Today, January 6, 2021. Duke researchers have been trying to reverse-engineer vintage saxophone sound, using X-ray imaging and 3D printing.

Could better tests help reverse the rise of superbugs?


Could better tests help reverse the rise of superbugs? Duke Today, May 16, 2019. Faster, more accurate tests for drug-resistant infections are hailed as a promising tool in the fight against antibiotic resistance, so much so that the U.S. and Britain are offering millions in prize money for their development. A modeling study led by Duke University game theorist David McAdams shows that better tests could, in theory, change the game and put drug-resistant bacteria at a reproductive disadvantage relative to more easily-treated strains — but with a caveat.

Tiny light-up barcodes identify molecules by their twinkling


Tiny light-up barcodes identify molecules by their twinkling.
1,100 Words on Duke Research, April 12, 2019. An imaging technique developed at Duke University could make it possible to peer inside cells and watch dozens of different molecules at once — by labeling them with short strands of light-up DNA that blink on and off with their own unique rhythm. Though they’re all the same color, the technique makes it possible to distinguish as many as 56 types by their twinkling, more cheaply than traditional methods and without fading over time. Picked up by Engadget.