Traveling with friends helps even mixed-up migrators find their way


Traveling with friends helps even mixed-up migrators find their way. Duke Research blog, Dec. 6, 2022. How do migrating animals travel so far, and reach their destination so precisely? For many animals, the answer is magnetoreception. New computer modeling research shows how sticking together helps migrating animals get to where they need to go, even when their magnetic compass leads them astray. Picked up by Futurity.

Makeup of the Matrix


Makeup of the Matrix. Duke Research 1100 Words, May 20, 2022. A study identifies the most complete “parts list” yet for the microscopic scaffolds that envelop & support tissues in the body – which could help diagnose/treat diseases ranging from diabetes to cancer.

Quantum Magnets


Quantum magnets. ‘1100 Words’ in Duke Research. April 28, 2022. In her search for new quantum materials, physicist Sara Haravifard spends a lot of time tinkering with crystals. Now her team has uncovered new types of quantum magnets, which could be used in data storage & spintronics.

Why 400 scientists are abuzz about the W boson


Why 400 scientists are abuzz about the W boson. Duke Today, April 7, 2022. Heftier-than-predicted subatomic particle exposes crack in decades-old theory; hints at more waiting to be discovered about the cosmos. Picked up by Nature, Washington Post, The Guardian, BBC, CBS, Science News, IFLScience, New Scientist, Gizmodo, Quanta Magazine, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Inverse, VICE, Slate, Scientific American, Barron’s, ABC News, Symmetry Magazine and Ars Technica.